Make Westminster
Manor your home.
Make Westminster Manor your home.
If you have questions or concerns regarding you or someone you love joining our retirement community, please review the helpful list of questions and answers below.
Learn More About Westminster Manor
When is the right time to move to an adult home?
Does Westminster Manor have visiting hours?
How may I decorate my room?
Does Westminster Manor provide transportation for residents?
Do you offer care for those with memory loss?
What time are the meals and may I have a guest?
Have a question that wasn’t answered? Contact us!
Westminster Manor is a non-profit organization and 100% of all donations go to the Westminster Manor Scholarship Fund. This allows eligible residents rental support and opens up accessibility to more seniors in the community to enjoy Westminster Manor’s outstanding care, services, and amenities. Make your tax-deductible donation today through PayPal, or contact us directly for more options.
Westminster Manor is operated on a 501(c)3 non-profit basis and is open to all adults on a non-sectarian basis. The services provide are in accordance with the facilities’ license from the NYSDOH. It is also affiliated with state trade associations, such as the Empire State Association for Adult Homes and Assisted Living Facilities. It is overseen by a Board of Directors.